How to buy e-tickets?
In the "FROM" field, enter the name of the station from which You want to leave and choose a station from the list of stations that appears. For example "TASHKENT". In the "TO" field, enter the name of the destination station and select the destination station from the pop-up list, for example, "SAMARKAND". In the "WHEN" field, select the departure date and click the "FIND" button. If there are no trains on the selected date, you can see the current train schedule.
From the list of available trains, select the desired train and the desired class of cars from and click the "SELECT CAR and SEAT" button at the bottom of the screen. For the convenience of users are all available on the selected date of the train with the availability of seats in the cars and the cost of tickets. Please note that at this stage information is shown only about the available seats of the train. In case of their absence the information is not shown. In addition, you can also select other departure dates at the top of the screen. Attention! To proceed to the next step, you need to go through the standard registration and authorization procedure, specifying the name, surname and e-mail address.
Then on the scheme of the car the place is chosen (light-free, dark-sold, the chosen place-green). Also for convenience, additional services provided in the car are displayed: extra food and bed linen. After choosing a place, the user fills in personal passport data and enters all the necessary information in the appropriate fields. If necessary, you can select the "Add child" function. Thus, an adult passenger can register a child up to five years old in his seat free of charge. Also, if necessary, you can select seats for 3 more passengers and enter all the necessary data. Then you need to click "CONFIRM ORDER".
Attention! The passenger's personal data must correspond to the data specified in the identity document. If you issue an electronic ticket to a country where a passport is required, the ticket is issued exclusively for it (for example, Tashkent-Rybachye). If you issue a ticket outside Uzbekistan with children, then in accordance with the established procedure it is necessary to issue a ticket for a child with a child's passport. If you are a non-resident of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the electronic ticket is also issued on the passport with which the passenger intends to travel. If the personal data in the document are indicated in two fonts (Cyrillic and Latin), the information in the order is filled in Latin font. If the personal data in the document are specified only in Russian, the information in the order is filled in Cyrillic. In case of an error in the personal data of passengers or details of documents proving their identity, you need to make an adjustment before the payment of the order.
At this stage, the passenger must check all the data entered. If the input is correct, it is necessary to put a "tick" at the bottom of the screen before the inscription "I agree to the Terms of purchase of electronic tickets" and click "ENTER CARD and PAY".
Attention! On the passage of 3 and 4 steps is given 15 minutes. If the passenger does not have time to make payment during this time, the order is canceled.
Then fill in the fields "card Number", "card validity" and click "CONTINUE". After payment of the electronic ticket on the website the electronic travel document with details of a trip and number of Your electronic ticket (14 digits) is formed. In your personal account you can print out an e-ticket, cancel or restore the electronic registration for the train, cancel the order, as well as make a refund of the e-ticket. Today, only national cards are accepted for payment.
Attention! A printout of an electronic ticket for domestic flights is mandatory, since at the entrance to the station and at the pre-trip inspection by the inspection inspector, a mark is made about the safe passage. If you have issued an electronic ticket for an interstate flight, then in accordance with interstate agreements, you need to get a ticket at the ticket office of the railway station-on a strict reporting form, which will be required to present at the request of inspectors in other States, as well as for travel reporting.
Attention! This manual is intended only to help with the issuance of electronic tickets. For more information, follow the link. https://e-ticket.railway.uz/lang-ru/pravila-pokupki-elektronnykh-biletov.html
About commission fees when issuing travel documents
One of the constituent parts of a travel document (ticket) is the commission charged for services rendered in the sale of tickets. The commission fee is charged for each registered place in the amount established by the carrier at negotiated prices.
Starting from September 25, 2020, the commission fee (for each issued seat on a passenger train) is:
- for high-speed Afrosiyоb trains - 28,000 soums;
- for all passenger trains of domestic communication - 28,000 soums;
- for all interstate passenger trains in communication with the CIS countries, the formation of JSC "Uzbekistan Temir Yollari" - 63 000 sum;
- for all interstate passenger trains in communication with the CIS countries, the formation of other states - 63 000 sum;
- for the interstate train Tulpar Talgo No. 001/002 (Almaty - Tashkent - Almaty) - 65 000 sum.
JSC O’ztemiryo’lyo’lovchi
What penalties are there for returning a purchased train ticket?
When an unused electronic travel document is submitted, a passenger will be charged a fee of 15,000 soums from October 15, 2022, in accordance with the rules of passenger, baggage and cargo transportation in railway transport of the Republic of Uzbekistan (each seat for) a fine is deducted:
- when returning unused electronic travel documents to the railway ticket office no later than 24 hours before the departure of the passenger train, the passenger is charged a fine of 15,000 soums for the refund operation;
- if unused electronic travel documents are returned less than 24 hours, but no later than 6 hours before the departure of the train, a fine of 15,000 soums is charged for the refund operation + 50% of the cost of the reserved seat;
- if unused electronic travel documents are returned less than 6 hours before departure, but no more than 1 hour after departure of the train, a fine of 15000 soums is charged for the refund operation + 100% of the cost of the reserved seat;
- if the electronic unused travel documents are returned to the railway ticket office later than an hour after the departure of the passenger train, the amount (full cost) of the travel document is not refundable;
You can get the electronic version of the "Rules of transportation of passengers, baggage and cargo by rail of the Republic of Uzbekistan" by following the link on the Internet https://lex.uz/docs/2001189?otherlang=4 veb-sahifasida o'qishingiz mumkin.
What document regulates passenger traffic?
Passenger traffic on railway transport of the Republic of Uzbekistan is regulated:
– "Rules of transportations of passengers, baggage and cargo baggage by railway transport of the Republic of Uzbekistan", the approved resolution of the Cabinet of the Republic of Uzbekistan of April 13, 2012 No. 109. The full text of rules can be downloaded here.
– "The provision on an order of production of examination of passengers and other persons, hand luggage, baggage at railway stations (stations)" and "Rules of finding of passengers and other persons at railway stations (stations)", the approved resolution of the Cabinet of the Republic of Uzbekistan of November 30, 2011 No. 314. The full text of rules can be downloaded here.
How many kilograms of hand luggage can be transported?
Each passenger has the right at himself to transport 36 kg. hand luggage. In the presence of the receipt on payment the passenger has the right to hand over in the car of a mobile left-luggage office to 50 kg. personal belongings. -
How to read the train ticket correctly.
1. Date of departure from a starting point
2. A departure time from a starting point
3. Number of the car and a class (To - a compartment, P-reserved seats)
4. Number of passengers and type of the ticket
5. Destination/ Train number
6. Point of departure
7. Passenger seat (that)
8. Data of the passenger (number of the passport, surname)
9. Arrival date
10. Arrival time
What documents are necessary for registration of travel documents?
Registration of the travel document is made on the basis of an identification paper of the passenger (the passport, the military ID), and on children aged till 16 years – the birth certificate, in the presence in the passport of parents of the pasted photo of children. At departure of minor children out of limits the Republic of Uzbekistan with their lawful representatives (parents, the grandmother, the aunt) it is necessary to have the power of attorney and instead of the birth certificate of the child the certificate of the citizen the Republic of Uzbekistan who didn't reach 16 years.
The right for a 50 percent discount from fare by rail in exchange for coupons and upon presentation of the certificate is granted once a year (two way ticket):
a) to disabled people of the Great Patriotic War of 3 groups;
b) to participants of the Great Patriotic War and persons to them equated; To Persons who need journey with a 50 percent discount by rail once a year (there and back) the free pass every two years (there and back) in exchange for coupons of two years is provided at will (the current and previous or current year and the subsequent).
Thus in the direct direction registration of such trip is made in exchange for two coupons "there", and in the return — on two coupons "back". This order extends also on disabled people of the Great Patriotic War of 3 groups and on the persons equated to participants of the Great Patriotic War
What are the privileges for acquisition railroad tickets?
According to the current legislation, decrees of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the CIS Agreement of March 12, 1993 "On mutual recognition of the rights to reduced travel for disabled people and participants in World War II, as well as persons equated to them" - signed by the Heads of Government, granted the right of free travel by rail once a year (round trip):
a) Heroes of the Soviet Union and persons awarded the Order of Glory of three degrees;
b) Disabled war invalids of groups 1 and 2; from the number of military personnel, workers and employees who were injured and persons equated to them;
c) Disabled liquidators of the Chernobyl accident (on the territory within the Republic of Uzbekistan).;
According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PP-2731 of January 18, 2017 "On the state program for the development of the Aral Sea region for 2017-2021", the possibility of selling travel documents for new types of benefits to certain categories of people living in the Republic of Karakalpakstan and the Khorezm region on trains has been opened №54 "Tashkent - Kungrad - Tashkent", №56 "Tashkent - Urgench - Tashkent", №58 "Tashkent - Shavat - Tashkent" with a discount of 50 percent of the ticket part of the fare.
Pensioners (including participants and invalids of the 1941-1945 war and persons equated to them, participants in the liquidation of the consequences of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
People with disabilities (first, second or third group);
Person accompanying the disabled person;
People with disabilities from childhood to 16;
A person accompanying a disabled person from childhood;
Low-income families.
According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. UP-517 of December 22, 1992 "On the annual winter holidays of students of the Republic of Uzbekistan", during the annual two-week winter holidays of students of higher and secondary special education, in the period from December 28 to January 10, discounts of at least 50% of the fare are established.
What discounts are there for children?
A passenger has the right to carry one child under the age of five free of charge on the train without providing a separate seat. When traveling with a passenger of more than one child under the age of five, one of them is transported free of charge, the rest-with a 50% discount from the fare price with the provision of a separate seat. Children between the ages of five and ten also receive a 50% discount on the cost of the fare with the provision of a separate seat. For children over 10 years old, you must purchase travel tickets, as for adults.