JSC “Uztemiryulkonteyner”
JSC “UZTEMIRYULKONTEYNER” - the company with which it is reliable!
The principle of our work - to be the best in the business.
“Uztemiryulkonteyner” joint-stock Company, being the operator of container park JSC “Uzbekiston temir yullari” - renders a full complex of the services connected with the organization of container transportations.
We carry out cargo delivery, we will organize transportation by cars and containers of different types and volume, we conduct tracking throughout all transit.
Such work demands fr om experts of versatile knowledge and high professionalism. Our employees have the corresponding qualification and certification in the field.
The knowledge of subtleties of activity of railway transport, its internal work gave to our company the chance of domination in the market of transport services of Uzbekistan.
We provide a rolling stock for loading and in rent use, we render services in a valuing of the arrived cars, we carry out loading and unloading works, we count railway tariffs of any complexity, we carry out readdressing of freights, transportation of goods in containers, we provide forwarding codes by Uzbekistan and the CIS countries, we render assistance in obtaining the plan of transportations, quickly we inform clients on location of cars and containers.
Proceeding from character of freight and complexity of a route, we will develop the individual scheme of delivery. If necessary warehouse terminals wh ere freight will be able to be stored the inheriting type of transport in loading expectation will be involved.
JSC “Uztemiryulkonteyner” being the official forwarding agent by the railroads of Uzbekistan provides services in transport-forwarding service of the export-import., transit and interstate transportation of goods in containers across the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the CIS countries, Europe and Asia.
JSC “Uztemiryulkonteyner” has a wide network of the regional branches located across all territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan and also has joint ventures.
The terminal of the company are located at stations of Chukursay, Tashkent-commodity, Sergeli, Akhangaran, Toi-tepa, Jizzakh, Bukhara, Ulugbek, the Pocket, Tinchlik, Yangi – Zaravshan, Termez, Karshi, Dekhkanabad, Nukus, Urgench, Kokand, Andijan, Temiryulobod, Margalan and Raustan.
Capacities of our terminal allow carrying out all complex of logistic services that allows our Clients to save, decline all responsibility and concern for safety of freight.
Terminals have: customs warehouses, container platforms, loading and unloading platforms, platforms for loading of special equipment and cars, gantry cranes with a loading capacity from 5 to 32 tons, mobile cranes with a loading capacity of 25 tons, fork loaders with a loading capacity from 1,5 to 3 tons, wheel loaders for loading of loose freights
We care of ensuring advance of freights from a loading place to their recipient, including the reliable solution of all accompanying tasks.