Information on the composition of procurement commissions
According to the order of the acting chairman of the board of JSC "Uzbekiston Temir Yullari" dated July 23, 2021 No. 755.
Chairman of the Procurement Commission: Makhamatov Zafar Ergashbaevich - acting Chief Manager - Chief Engineer.
Members of the procurement commission:
- - Kamalov Akmal Saydakbarovich - acting Deputy Chairman of the Board of JSC "Uzbekiston Temir Yullari";
- - Rajapov Mansur Kuchkarovich - acting Deputy Chairman of the Board of JSC "Uzbekiston Temir Yullari";
- - Omonov Hayitbai Akhmadalievich - acting Deputy Chairman of the Board of JSC "Uzbekiston Temir Yullari";
- - Sharifboyev Akhadzhon Olimovich - Deputy Chief Manager-Chief Engineer of the Company - Head of Department of the Strategic Development;
- - Abdullaev Nusrat Sadullaevich - Deputy Chief Manager-Chief Engineer of the Company - Head of Department of the Organization and Control of Industrial Activity;
- - Babahalov Narbuta Eshnazarovich - Head of Department of the Economic Analysis and Forecasting;
- - Kodirov Zhasurbek Sharofitdinovich - Head of Department of the Finance;
- - Tursunov Khasan Iskandarovich - acting Head of Department of the Attraction of Investments and Implemention of Investment Projects.